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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1745
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7480
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 10،
issue Number 104
Study and Analysis of Punishment in One Thousand and One Nights and its Cultural-Social Impacts
Mozhgan Maghoumi , Mahboubeh Khorasani (Author in Charge), Morteza Rashidi Ashjerdi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One Thousand and One Nights is a courtly, popular, educational, and imaginative book with many examples of sin and punishment. The motivation for creating stories is to escape from the death penalty; A lady tells Shahriar a story every night to save her life and other girls and postpones his punishment. The fear of death and punishment has cast a shadow on many stories, but it is so artistically placed in the heart of the stories that it is not noticeable.
METHODOLOGY: This research is descriptive-analytical based on library studies. The research community has also done a two-volume translation of the book " One Thousand and One Nights " by Marashipour to examine the types of punishment in the stories of its two volumes.
FINDINGS: In the stories of the book, we see many actions that deserve punishment. Such as treason, theft, false testimony, disbelief and atheism, misrepresentation, Conspiracy, and planned punishments, among others.
CONCLUSION: The punishment for treason is death, whether it is in an unconventional romantic relationship or, in court and social relationships. Issuing a sentence and executing it is at the command of the ruler, judge, and even incompetent people such as fathers, husbands, brothers, women, or supernatural beings, among which we can mention giants, demons, and talking animals. These creatures punish criminals with unconventional methods or transformations. Belief in divine punishment is seen in stories that have a stronger religious aspect. The role and wide presence of women in the process of stories and the formation of events is worthy of reflection. Due to the cultural differences that are rooted in the origin of the stories, there is no unity of procedure and the same approach in determining and implementing the punishment; Based on the text of the story and expediency, the punishments can be reduced. The lack of a fair trial, not giving the accused a chance to defend himself, the execution of sentences, and punishments that do not fit the crime are also seen in the stories.
One Thousand and One Nights
, folk fiction literature
, story
, oral literature
, punishment and politics
, crime and guilt
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